Web services/links for work driven by faculty members of IIT Tirupati for societal challenges such as COVID19 and others for public utility.

GeoCov19 Algorithm for Red-zone proximity monitoring for India

Red-zone areas are hot spots of confirmed cases of COVID19 inspection. Population movement in and around the regions during morning, evening and night time frames provides insights for law enforcement and health officials. The GeoCov19 algorithm combines red zone location information with Facebook mobility patterns from high resolution density maps and low resolution movement maps and generates diagnostic reports on a daily basis. The algorithm is already serving for AP and OR states and discussions are going on to include more state governments country-wide.

URL : RESTRICTED ACCESS to deputed state government officials for the purpose.

PI Details : Dr. Kalidas Yeturu, Dept. of Computer Sci. & Engg. , ykalidas@iittp.ac.in
Drug discovery for blockade of essential proteins for SARS-CoV-2 survival

Candidate ligand molecules are determined from naturally occurring sources against key SARS-CoV-2 proteins including spike, main protease and ACE2 receptors. The effectiveness of these ligands is determined using molecular docking studies. Analysis for side effects of these molecules is carried out using our recently developed deep learning based algorithm (site2vec). We have identified two key molecules and work is in progress to communicate the results.

URL : Awaiting publication

PI Details : Dr. Kalidas Yeturu, Dept. of Computer Sci. & Engg. , ykalidas@iittp.ac.in
SurviveCovid-19 -- A Game for Improving Awareness of Social Distancing and Health Measures for Covid-19 Pandemic

One of the most important tasks during a pandemic like Covid-19 is to bring awareness among people, more so when return to normal life is expected to be long. To address this challenge, we have designed and developed an innovative game called SurviveCovid-19. SurviveCovid-19 is developed as an educational game that helps people in understanding the importance of masks, sanitizers and social distancing to keep themselves and people in their surrounding safe from Covid-19 when they walk around the theme of a city. The game is inspired by a simple pixel-based top-down style design where people navigate the city with safety and health measures and accomplish tasks such as buying groceries and medicines. The game which is played 800 times till now is developed using a survivor style theme in which a player has to survive by performing predefined tasks and rules, which in this case are safety measures for Covid-19. The player gets immersed into the game to achieve the tasks of buying groceries and medicines while regularly using masks and sanitizers to survive in the game. We have given critical importance to “social distancing” in the game and the life of the player keeps reducing once the player comes in contact with Covid-19 infected persons until he/she visits a nearby hospital. Our lab has also developed 3D game called Covid19Buster https://covidbuster.itch.io/covid19buster

URL : https://survivecovid-19.itch.io/game2020

PI Details : Dr. Sridhar Chimalakonda, Dept. of Computer Sci. & Engg., ch@iittp.ac.in
Mood of India During Covid-19 - An Interactive Web Portal Based on Emotion Analysis of Twitter Data

The severe outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic has affected many countries across the world. It has disrupted the day to day activities of many people across the world. During such outbreaks, understanding the emotional state of citizens of a country could be of interest to various public and private organizations to carry out various tasks and to take necessary measures. Several studies on data available on various social media platforms and websites have been carried out to understand the emotions of people against many events, inclusive of Covid-19, across the world. Twitter and other social media platforms have been bridging the gap between the citizens and government in various countries and are of more prominence in India. Sentiment Analysis of posts on twitter is observed to accurately reveal the sentiments. Analysing real time posts on twitter in India during Covid-19, could help in identifying the mood of the nation. However, most of the existing studies related to Covid-19, on twitter data and other social media platforms are performed on data posted during a specific interval. We are not aware of any research that identifies emotional state of India on a daily basis. Hence, we present a web portal that aims to display mood of India during Covid-19, based on real time twitter data. This portal also enables users to select date range, specific date and state in India to display mood of people belonging to the specified region, on the specified date or during the specified date range. Also, the number of Covid-19 cases and mood of people at specific cities and states on specific dates is visualized on the country map. As of May 6 2020, the web portal has about 194370 tweets, and each of these tweets are classified into seven categories that include six basic emotions and a neutral category. A list of Trigger Events are also specified, to allow users to view the mood of India on specific events happening in the country during Covid-19.

URL : https://moodofindia.herokuapp.com/

PI Details : Dr. Sridhar Chimalakonda, Dept. of Computer Sci. & Engg., ch@iittp.ac.in
YTCoder - Towards Turning YouTube to a Code Editor

Video Tutorials have become a most common method of learning various skills, from crafts and cooking to various educational concepts. Learning programming through online video tutorials is a common practice among programmers of multiple levels, novice to experienced. YouTube is one of the most popular and largest source that hosts many video tutorials that aim to teach concepts of various programming languages. Most of these tutorials include code snippets that are displayed and written by the tutor during the video. However, it is important that the viewers of video programming tutorials have a hands-on programming experience while learning various programming concepts. Providing a code editor along with the video tutorial could help learners in getting a better learning experience, as they have a scope to learn by practice. Existing solutions of accompanying video tutorials with code editors are either pre-programmed or require a separate web portal. We are not aware of any solutions in the literature that aim to support Youtube video tutorials. Hence, we are designing and developing YTCoder that aims to integrate videos related to various programming languages with code editor of respective programming languages..


PI Details : Dr. Sridhar Chimalakonda, Dept. of Computer Sci. & Engg., ch@iittp.ac.in